Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 ti je isto sto i EF 100mm 2.8, samo sto je za krop. Dakle, zabodi tu Canonsku stotku i zavrsi pricu.
Svetlo?... za hranu je najbolje dnevno svetlo. Difuzeri, zilberice... stiropor, ... sve samo da nema direktnog svetla. Moze i blic... nije nista problem.
JBT... nemoj da pravis frku, evo ti fotka sa G15 na prirodnom svetlu uz zilbericu je bre najveci problem da izmislis dobru podlogu, posudje... pa onda hrana i garniranje... pa onda svetlo.
Na kraju ide staklo i aparat... pa posle obrada i WB.
Nemoj da imas frku, imas priliku kakvu retko ko ima...naprosto u tom si poslu.
Profesionalci se uglavnm i po tome razlikuju od amatera... zato sto su se usko specijalizovali za jednu granu fotografije. Ja naprosto ne mogu da zamislim da ti ne uspes forsirajuci iskljucivo i samo hranu... a pride je to koliko se secam uvek bilo trazeno.
Fokusiraj se na iStock... zajebi sve ostalo. Napravi jasan plan po tackama i kreni sa realizacijom. Kacio sam ovaj link... al aj opet ... kreni polako da ga studiras.
My 2 c
Evo pogledaj sta se trazi na istocku
4.1 What We're Looking ForiStock has millions of images. There are subjects that we always need more variety in, and others that have been picked clean. Search iStock and explore what's been done before in great detail. If you're tackling a common subject, approach it in a different fashion and with your own style. Better yet, look for missing items in the collection and fill them in.
Images that iStock does need:
Corporate shots: Illustrate the many sides of modern business.
Concepts and Visual Metaphors: Go beyond the literal, and help a designer explain something in a new way.
Food and Beverages: Cuisines from around the globe.Groups & Teams: People working together.
Holiday & Seasonal Themes: Show all the ways we celebrate. Include more than religious celebrations; let's see local festivals and customs as well.
Non-Business Jobs: The word is filled with mechanics, garbage men, baristas, and more.
People Interacting: Human interaction is a constant in this world.
Religion and Spirituality: The rich tapestry of the world's beliefs.
Science and Technology: Accurate and true depictions of the cutting edge of human knowledge.
Social Issues: Poignant looks into the issues that impact us.
Sports: For fun, for fitness, for glory. We'd love to see more team sports.