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Pentax i Oly korsnici digli nos do Jupitera

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BTW, sećate se Ken Rokvelove dijagnoza od pre neku godinu, ... ova još više zabada prst u oko

Malo sam to skratio ... pun text je na
OVDEPazi Nulu, dole na kraju ... hahhahahh
The Seven Levels of PhotographersArtist: Top Level 7Artists use any sort of camera, including pinholes and disposables, or 8 x 10s. They use whatever instrument they need to create what they want.
Whore: Level 6A whore is an artist who sells his soul by accepting money or drugs for his art.
Amateur: Level 5People who earn less than half of their income from photography are amateurs. This has nothing to do with the quality of their photography.
Being an amateur is a good thing; from this level one can rise to the level of artist rather easily.
Amateurs almost always shoot Canon SLRs.
Snapshooter: Level 4This is my mom and most people. These people want memories, as opposed to photographs or cameras.
Snapshooters use point-and-shoot and disposable cameras, which give the same excellent results as the Leicas, Nikons, Canons and Contaxes used by everyone else.
Professional: Level 3A professional photographer is a person who earns his entire living (100%) from the sale of photographs.
Professionals don’t have websites and don’t put out technical newsletters. Those people are usually amateurs.
Rich Amateur: Level 2These are amateurs who, by having too much money, buy lots of equipment which can fetter their freedom of expression. They are mostly men, and many are old or retired.
Rich amateurs shoot Leicas, Contaxes, Alpas, Hasselblads and Linhof 4x5s. These are great cameras, but the results are the same as the Zenits, Pentaxes, Bronicas and Tachiharas.
Today they mostly shoot Canon 1Ds-Mk IIs, 5Ds or Nikon D2X.
Equipment Measurbator: Bottom Level 1These men (and they are all men) have no interest in art or photography because they have no souls. Lacking souls they cannot express imagination or feeling, which is why their images, if they ever bother to make any, suck.
These folks have analysis paralysis and never accomplish anything.
Most seem to come from technical avocations, like engineering, computers and sciences
Many of them also play with audio equipment, computers or automobiles. They enjoy these toys just like their cameras for their own sake, but rarely if ever actually use them for the intended purposes.
Online Expert or Armchair Photographer: Level 0 (these guys don’t take pictures so they aren’t a level of photographer.)
Holy Crap! This was a guy who doesn’t even own a camera! He spends his time researching them and spreading his irrelevant opinions all over the Internet!