"We’re told once again that a full frame mirrorless camera is definitely in the works at Canon. As we’ve also said before, the biggest challenge to the design team is making good use of EF mount lenses. There will not be a 4th mount (EF, EF-S, EF-M) added to the Canon ILC lineup. It’s possible we’re going to see a full frame mirrorless fixed lens camera from Canon before we see an ILC full frame mirrorless. We were told a while ago that such a camera was in development and apparently that is still ongoing."
Pitanje je samo da li ce uspeti da nekako umuntaju upotrebljiv EF mount na ovo. Adapter, ili kako bilo... ali uspeju, bice veselo.
E sad, nije mi bas jasno kako se se fotoaparat sa fiksnim objektivom moze nazvati mirrorlessom... valjda je to kompakt. Nesto poput Sonijevog RX1.... al ajd.
Zivo me zanima da li nekome pasti na pamet da napravi adapter koji ce omogucavati da se Sony stakla prikace na ovaj Canon mount?