Autor Tema: nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!  (Pročitano 6019 puta)

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Van mreže arhi

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nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!
« poslato: Decembar 03, 2015, 01:41:59 pre podne »
siguran sam da sta citali ali ... ne kontam... koliko ovi mogu da imaju validan info? da li je ovo samo sta bi bilo kad bi bilo ili ?

If rumours reporting that Nikon has just acquired Samsung’s NX mirrorless technology turn out to be true, it may have a huge impact on the digital camera market.

For Nikon indeed it would reduce their reliance on Sony for sensors and bring inspiration and increased competition in the mirrorless sphere.

The claim comes from mirrorlessrumors, who heard about the deal from trusted sources at Samsung. Reportedly, the reason Samsung is to withdraw from the camera market is that its technology is now owned by Nikon.

While no official press releases have come from either side, it is thought that a planned major press announcement at the CES trade show in January 2016 could be the big reveal.

mirrorlessrumors suspects that Nikon will launch their own professional mirrorless system using Samsung’s NX resources, including sensor and video technology and processor engine.

This move would signal Nikon’s intention to pose a serious threat to Sony, with Samsung sensors as good if not better than Sony sensors and their rumoured intention to develop a full frame mirrorless camera.

While it will be exciting if it happens, for now it’s all just rumours. When that changes, we'll let you know.

Note: nikonrumors has shared 10 reasons why they don't believe Nikon has acquired Samsung’s camera business.

Essentially, they don't believe Samsung has anything to offer Nikon except access to sensors, Samsung's camera fan base isn't big enough and they want to see sources, especially for a takeover with such big players.
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5DMK4, 5DMK3, M2, ...
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Odg: nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Decembar 03, 2015, 09:54:00 pre podne »

mene zanima FF sa mogucnoscu da se nakace postojeci objektivi, mada ni to nesto pretjerano. trenutno imam sve sto mi treba i vise.
zanima me u stvari najvise, "glatka "evolucija mog konkretnog sistema. da li ce to biti mirrorless ili nesto drugo, nije mi bitno toliko.
pod glatka, mislim na to da ne moram u nekom trenutku da prodam sve objektive i pokupujem nove, ako hocu da predjem na nesto naprednije.

Van mreže Zoran Rodic

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Odg: nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Decembar 03, 2015, 10:25:06 pre podne »
Ne znam sta tacno Nikon dobija kupovinom Samsung foto odeljenja. Senzor... sigurno ne. Imaju vec Sony, a ne verujem da bi se Samsung odrekao tog dela jer mu treba za mobilne telefone i sl.

Cela ova prica oko Samsunga je totalno bezvezna, bas kao sto se i njihov milc izlet pokazao... takodje bezveznim.
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Van mreže Serb

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Odg: nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Decembar 03, 2015, 10:48:09 pre podne »
Kakve senzore samsung ima, jesu li u klasi sonya?

Van mreže arhi

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Odg: nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Decembar 03, 2015, 02:01:28 posle podne »
Kakve senzore samsung ima, jesu li u klasi sonya?

ako cemo porediti telefone, u klasi sonija ili bolje, ako cemo porediti fotoaparate - pojma nemam :D

inace, onaj drugi link daje dosta razloga zasto je ovo verovatno patka ... zanimljivi su ovi rumors sajtovi kad ih malo procesljas :D
5DMK4, 5DMK3, M2, ...
koja ti je marka tog šporeta baš pravi dobru klopu

Van mreže Petko30

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Odg: nikon kupio samsung milc tech?!
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Decembar 04, 2015, 06:30:22 posle podne »
Ali treba imati u vidu da je zvaničnik Nikona saopštio da će Nikon ako odluči da izbaci novi model MILC-a, to biti isključivo FF senzor. Da Samsung odustaje od razvoja digitaln ih kamera a težište daje na unapređenju i proširivanju mogućnosti kamera kod mobilnih telefona i tableta. Možda oni Nikonu senzore a Nikon njima af siteme. Ko zna?
Ne sekirati se za njih. Sve će da učine radi profita.