Kojih su se droga oni nagutali... sačuvaj Bože...
![Shocked :o](http://forum.pcfoto.biz/Smileys/classic3/shocked.gif)
Evo nekih primera sa tog svemirskog senzora:
12345678910111213Eto, to su semplovi. Zvanični, "reprezentativni" i do bola ubijeni ekstremnim preoštravanjem. Takođe, ako sve primere posmatrate kraći period, primetićete da svi pate od nekog ciglastog kolornog prizvuka (da nisam jedini primetio, provalio sam opet na DPR forumu:
Ne predstavlja im problem što su skuplji od 7D i D7000... 'ajde i da pređemo preko toga.
Ali, ne predstavlja im problem ni što su skuplji od 1Ds Mark III, D3x, A850, Leica M9 i Pentax 645D. Aloooooo!!!
![Shocked :o](http://forum.pcfoto.biz/Smileys/classic3/shocked.gif)
Koji moroni.
Da bi bilo jasnije da se sveopšta neverica i ranting ne javlja samo u maloj zemlji na brdovitom Balkanu (što je česta teza na ovim prostorima), evo malo rantinga i sa DPR-a. Otvoreno pismo vernog korisnika:
An open message to Sigma...
Please step away from the crack pipe, or whatever else it is your smoking that has recently managed to turn your brain to Swiss Cheese, honourable Yamaki San.
Inhaling burning Godzilla dung through a bong is not a good idea when you have very important marketing decisions to make, such as the RRP for the SD1 at time of release. A decision that could make or break your business or even leave your company a complete laughing stock.
Please try to sober yourself up ASAP and post a sensible RRP for the SD1.
One that does'nt automatically exclude 100% of your loyal customer base.
Pssst...A little advice in you ear...Less than £2000 would be sensible in the UK and less than $2500 would be sensible in the US...Got that?
Now start necking back the black coffees and get to work, before its too late and you have zero customer base left.
Yours most sincerely
Ceo Sigma blok na DPR forumu je totalno zatrpan sličnim temama: