Autor Tema: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata  (Pročitano 6932 puta)

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Van mreže Crni_bombarder

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Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« poslato: Maj 13, 2010, 04:58:41 posle podne »
London 13. Maj 2010. - Kompanija Canon slavi prodaju svog 40-milionitog primerka EOS SLR serije, racunajuci analogne i digitalne SLR sisteme. Canon EOS (elektronski opticki sistem) serija je predstavljena 1987. godine sa modelom zacetnikom EOS 650 koji je bio prvi fotoaparat te vrste baziran na kompletno elektronskoj platformi. Ovako bi izgledao taj "flashback" ukratko:

    * U 1987., prvi ikad EOS SLR, EOS 650 je predstavljen od strane proizvodjaca u Fukushima, Japan;
    * Sa 1997., proizvodnja EOS fotoaparata je presisala 10 miliona primeraka, i dostigla prekretnicu na svojoj 10.-godisnjici;
    * U 2003., 20.-milioniti primerak EOS fotoaparata je proizveden, duplirajuci predhodnih 10 miliona za samo 6 godina;
    * U Decembru 2007., EOS serija slavi 20.-godisnjicu, proizvodnja EOS fotoaparata presisala 30 miliona primeraka – samo 4 godine nakon sto je dostigla brojku od 20 miliona;
    * U Aprilu 2010., Canon je dostigao 40 miliona primeraka – samo dve godine i cetiri mesecan nakon sto je dostigao cifru od 30 miliona.

Sta reci, osim da nam je Canon ziv i zdrav, da nam se razvija dugo, dugo, i da nam nudi sve bolja tela i objektive po sto nizim cenama  :)


Ovde se isto moze videti kako je tekla istorija razvoja EOS-sistema:
« Poslednja izmena: Maj 13, 2010, 08:07:57 posle podne od strane Crni_bombarder »

Van mreže Zoran Rodic

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Odg: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Maj 14, 2010, 08:48:23 pre podne »
Ova godina je baš jubilarana.
U januaru su obeležili 50 miliona napravljenih EF staklića, .... od 1987 godine,  kada su počeli, pa evo do januara.

Titula je pripala EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USMs

''Ne moze da svane pre zore''

Van mreže Bole

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Odg: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Februar 07, 2011, 01:55:56 posle podne »
Znaci, za godinu dana, 10 miliona prodatih "staklica" :o
Od toga, moja su "samo" dva ;)

5DMarkII, EF 16-35mm f/4 L IS, EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II, EF 100mm f/2.8 L IS Macro, TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L II

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Odg: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Februar 07, 2011, 02:42:31 posle podne »
Za 23 godine postojanja EF staklica, prodavali su u proseku oko 2.100.000 godisnje, a onda za samo godinu dana 10.000.000 komada! Sta reci, nego WoW...fotografija je nikad popularnija medj' narodom :).
« Poslednja izmena: Februar 07, 2011, 02:46:53 posle podne od strane millas »

Van mreže Bole

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Odg: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Februar 07, 2011, 02:45:06 posle podne »
fotografija je nikad popularnija medj narodom Smeško.
Ma ima narod para, nego se nesto stisli ;D

5DMarkII, EF 16-35mm f/4 L IS, EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II, EF 100mm f/2.8 L IS Macro, TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L II

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Odg: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Februar 12, 2011, 06:44:32 posle podne »
Uh, kad Kinezima jos malo poraste standard ima da skoce na 100 miliona prodatih primeraka.

Kada sam video ovo odusevio sam se :)

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Odg: Canon prodao 40-milioniti primerak EOS SLR fotoaparata
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Februar 13, 2011, 05:05:40 posle podne »
Čak i Kenj Rokvel zatečen:
NEWS: Canon makes their 60-millionth EF lens.

Compare this to Nikon, who has only made 55 million F-mount lenses.

Nikon has been making F-mount lenses since 1959, almost all of which will mount on work on almost all Nikon cameras today.

By comparison, Canon has only been making the new EF lenses (electronic motor-in-lens autofocus) since 1987. Every EF lens is compatible with every EOS camera, film and digital, including full AF and IS compatibility, with none of the "sort of" compatibility problems Nikon lenses have with many cameras.

Canon won. Canon garbage-canned all its previous SLR lenses, the FD mount, in 1987, and we all thought Canon was nuts. Obviously, by starting from scratch and making a better lens mount, Canon long surpassed Nikon in both the pro and amateur markets.

Canon has sold more lenses in less than 25 years than Nikon has sold in over 50. Oops!

From Canon, Production of interchangeable EF lenses for Canon EOS-series AF (autofocus) single-lens reflex cameras began in 1987 at the Company’s Utsunomiya Plant, and has since expanded to a total of four production facilities including Canon Inc., Taiwan; Canon Opto (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; and Oita Canon Inc. in Japan. EF lenses reached the10-million-unit milestone after approximately eight and a half years in production, followed by the 40-million-unit mark in April of 2008. Due to the popularity of the EOS Digital series, production then increased and EF lenses achieved the 50-million-unit mark in December of 2009. Canon has since produced 10 million units just in 13 months and reached the 60-million-unit milestone in January of 2011.

First introduced in March 1987, along with Canon’s EOS SLR camera system, the EF lens system has over the years featured a range of innovative proprietary technologies to lead the industry. These include such world’s firsts as the Ultrasonic Motor-powered lens (USM), Image Stabilizer (IS) to compensate for the effects of camera shake, Subwavelength Structure Coating (SWC) anti-reflection technology, and a super-telephoto lens that employs a diffractive optical element. Last year, Canon successfully launched the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM, featuring outstanding optical performance and Image Stabilization.

Canon’s current EF lens lineup is comprised of 65 models ranging from super-wide-angle lenses to super-telephoto zoom lenses, catering to the varying needs of photographers from first-time users to advanced-amateurs and professionals. The Company’s diverse selection of lenses offers several features including a number of zoom options ranging from standard to super-telephoto, Image Stabilizer-equipped lenses, large-diameter lenses, macro lenses and TS-E lenses featuring a special tilt-shift mechanism allowing manipulation of image perspective and distortion. In addition, the EF 8-15mm f/4L Fisheye USM, the world’s first fisheye zoom lens, is planned for market release in March of 2011. (Canon is ignoring the Tokina 10-17mm fisheye zoom, which has been shipping for years.)


A ima i ponešto za one koji kažu da Canon ništa ne inovira:
NEWS: Canon registered 2,543 new patents in 2010

This is a 15% increase from 2009, making Canon the fourth-largest US patent filer in the world. For 18 years, Canon has been in the top 5.
