Naime, EU će tokom aprila 2016. obavezati svoje članice da sprovedu "Foto-Ordnen Obsolet Law", koji će zabranjivati objavljivanje fotografija i filmova koji nisu oštri kako na foto hosting tako i na video hosting sajtovima. Cilj je da se smanji obim "digitalnog đubreta" koje zauzima 37% mesta na web serverima. Tu nije kraj, nego još i ovo:
By April 2019, all new digital cameras and smartphones will be required to prevent the saving of blurred digital stills and video at source.
New devices manufactured after this date will need to incorporate some form of Stabilisation Detection that either prevents the shutter being fired if the shutter speed is too slow for handheld photography, or analyses the image after it’s taken and automatically deletes it from the memory card.If Flickr detects less than 70% sharpness, then your image will be compared with a databank of 30,000 library shots in order to determine if the blur may be intentional or not. If no comparable image is found, your picture cannot be uploaded.
Dakle, boogie, briši
ovo, jer
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