Autor Tema: Sony - ima li konfuzije?  (Pročitano 3415 puta)

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Van mreže Zoran Rodic

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Sony - ima li konfuzije?
« poslato: Mart 22, 2015, 12:14:45 posle podne »
June 5, 2006 — Sony is jumping into the digital single lens reflex (D-SLR) camera market with today’s introduction of the a (alpha) DSLR-A100 system. The system combines advanced SLR features with other Sony digital imaging innovations.

Ovako je izgledala prva vest o  ulasku Sony korporacije na dSLR tržište.  A priča počinje nešto ranije, i po ko zna koji put Minolta dobija status kesice čaja, koja običnoj vodi daje miris, boju i ukus.  7. januara 2003. dve poznate kompanije,  Konica i Minolta se udružuju u pokušaju da zajedno pronađu svoje mesto na tržištu. Međutim, finansijski problemi su nepremostivi i sve  staje 19. januara 2006. godine.

Priča koji nas zanima, počinje par meseci kasnije, tačnije 31. marta 2006. kada  Sony otkupljuje Konica-Minolta resurse i pod sloganom ‘'make.believe’’, ulazi u jedan novi izazov. >>> nastavak na blogu

''Ne moze da svane pre zore''

Van mreže Zoran Rodic

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Odg: Sony - ima li konfuzije?
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Mart 30, 2015, 06:25:54 posle podne »
Nekako mi je prirodno da sledecu informaciju prislonim ovde, jer nekako najvise oslikava nesto sto smo ranije pricali, zbog cega su nas neki ostro i kritikovali.

Naime, je prilicno brutalno sasekao Sonijev 16-70

Photozone kills the 16-70mm Zeiss: “heavily overpriced and below average optical performance”

A sam zakljucak glasi ovako:

Sony/Zeiss did many things right – range, build quality, image stabilization but optical quality is not part of the list. Yes, the center quality is outstanding but the corners are often mediocre or even dismal.
    It is worth to mention AGAIN that we also send the lens to the Sony service in order to let them verify that our sample was within specs – TWICE and we let them know who we are and that there’ll be a review. So we have to take their word.

Stavise, gore citirani SAR tj sony alpha rumors na osnovu svega konstatuje:

SAR thoughts: Overall Sony really needs to take care of the APS-C E-mount customers again. They launched the very successful NEX system and then suddenly changed name and stopped to make lenses for the system. I understand the FE system is popular and needs a lot of new lenses. But if I would be on charge at Sony I would also release a Sony APS-C E-mount lens roadmap with a few nice primes and zooms. This would really help to create confidence around the system. The A6000 is such a great camera it’s pity you are let down by the limited lens range!

Samo bih dodao, da je aps c, donekle u boljem polozaju od ff aparata, najvise zahvaljujuci SIGMI, koja je napravila 3 sjajna prajma. A ovo nas vraca na pocetak mog teksta, i onim sto su nasledili od Minolte... sta su i koliko iskoristili od toga.
''Ne moze da svane pre zore''

Van mreže Zoran Rodic

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Odg: Sony - ima li konfuzije?
« Odgovor #2 poslato: April 18, 2015, 07:40:55 pre podne »
Sada je i Wikileaks postao izvor informacija!?! :)

Sudeci prema dokumentima koji su objavljeni, A mount odlazi u penziju.

Wikileaks leaks Sony’s plans: 3 new cameras coming in the next 2 months, A mount to be discountinued

''Ne moze da svane pre zore''