Autor Tema: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.  (Pročitano 133886 puta)

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Van mreže DuxX

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iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 06:38:22 posle podne »

Ukoliko imate dodatnih pitanja ili želite da podelite neko svoje mišljenje vezano za ovu stock agenciju i sa ostalima, možete to učiniti u ovoj temi.

Van mreže cronnin

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 07:48:16 posle podne »
Mene zanimaju rezolucije i formati fotografije na stocku.

Formati su koji? (2:3, 3:2, 1:1) Ili nema obaveznih?

Vidim da postoji ono L, XL, XXL, i to se odnosi na rezolucije u pikselima.
Da li se to razlikuje od jedne do druge stock agencije?

Ako imam aparat recimo od 19 Mpix, pretpostavljam da sam osudjen na prvi manji format.
Npr. ako su kategorije 12, 16, 20, 24 MPix, to znaci da moja fotka upada u kategoriju do 16 Mpix?

Da li ja treba da je skaliram do te njihove rezolucije, ili ja uploadujem svoju fotku, a ovi sa iStocka skaliraju na 16 Mpix?
Isto pitanje vazi i za manje formate. Da li treba uploadovati nekoliko razlicith verzija fotke, ili ce ih iStock skalirati redom na sve manje formate (12 Mpix, 8 Mpix, itd...)?
"Yes, I'd like to send this letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 autogyro?"  Canon 550D

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 08:21:14 posle podne »
Proporcija nije bitna. Fotografije se mogu kropovati kako god želimo i tu nema nikakvih pravila, a kategorija po veličini određuje se prostim množenjem WxH nevezano za proporcije.

Fotografija se upload-uje jednom u najvećoj dimenziji i ostatak odrađuje sama stock agencija. Kategorije po veličinama variraju od agencije do agencije.

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 08:33:43 posle podne »
IS cak odredjuje i cijenu fotografije, na to utjece i velicina i komplikovanost iste. Ako slikate zenu s jabukom u studiju i istu takvu sliku u prirodi cijena deff nece bit ista!?
Tako nekim slikama minimalna cijena moze bit i ispod 10$ dok nekim minimalna cijena ide i preko 50$ doduse sasvim opravdano.

Van mreže Serb

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 08:34:56 posle podne »
Koja ce biti skuplja igore, kojom se logikom vode?

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 09:12:58 posle podne »
To tacno ni ja nisam skontao, ali znam da igra ulogu mnogo  faktora, pocev od komecijalne procjene, do kvaliteta i mnogo drugih faktora, normalno je da nece bit ista cijena i za moju od 600D i Duxx-ovu sa D800, doduse tu vec pricamo o max cijeni.

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 11:18:56 posle podne »
Igore jesi li siguran u to?
Koliko ja znam cena je ista za svaku fotografiju u zavisnosti od kategorije po veličini i od toga u kojoj se kolekciji nalazi. Takođe razlika postoji u zavisnosti od toga da li je fotograf excluzivac ili ne. Recimo moja XXXL fotka iz obične kolekcije košta 50$, a XXXL fotka moje žene koja nije excluzivac je 31$. A fotkane su istom opremom.

Ono što si pomenuo koliko znam stoji kada su u pitanju ilustracije.

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Maj 02, 2013, 11:45:17 posle podne »
Pa otprilike jesam, evo primjer, obojica exluzivci:

Ali evo sad vidim i da veca krajnja rezolucija nosi i vecu minimalnu rezoluciju za kupovinu fotke, dakle ima tu svega.
Trebalo bi to malo detaljnije trait primjer ali siguran sam da se sve fotke ne procjenjuju isto, opet mozda grijesim.

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Maj 03, 2013, 12:23:19 pre podne »
Ova skuplja je u Exclusive + kolekciji, a ona jeftinija nije. Mislim da je tu razlika.

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Maj 03, 2013, 12:30:31 pre podne »
Pa da, onda vjerovatno je do toga :D
Uglavnom za ilustracije i dalje vazi ranije receno.

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Maj 13, 2013, 09:32:43 posle podne »
Upravo mi stigao dopis od Istockphoto.
Koliko sam stigao da pročitam onako sa telefona u pripremi su neke veće izmene koje će se realizovati u sledećih par nedelja. 7 postojećih kolekcija pretočiće se u 4. Cene fajlova će se menjuati dinamički u zavisnosti od prodaje. Recimo ako se neka Vetta fotka prodaje malo, oni će je spustiti malo cenu pa ako krene da se prodaje dosta dobro onda će je opet malo podići i tako. I obrnuto, fajlovi koji budu bili u osnovnom cenovnom rangu, ako krenu da se prodaju jako lepo cena će im biti podignuta. Kako i koliko će na sve to imati uticaja sami contributori nisam nešto primetio u tom tekstu ali čitao sam na brzaka.
Da uhvatim malo vremena pa ću detaljno to da iščitam i javljam.

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #11 poslato: Maj 13, 2013, 09:39:24 posle podne »
Contributor News: Collections Changes - May 13, 2013

 Over the last several months we have been gathering feedback from both customers and our exclusive contributors to get a better understanding of what we can do to improve the iStock experience. Our buyers want simplicity and quality—but over time we’ve accumulated 7 collections at iStock. At this point, the differences and advantages between them are murky at best, especially from the customer’s vantage point. Bottom line – to be successful we need to help different customers with different needs find the content they are looking for at the price that reflects the quality of the image...

 Contributors are looking for a better understanding of where their content will generate the most activity and sales; again, it is not clear without some data and a little first-hand image merchandising experience. There are other issues to resolve as well (thank you exclusives for your survey feedback). Clearly a measured and methodical collections reorganization effort is in order. We have been listening and working on a solution. Today we are happy to say, we are well into our planning stages for some significant changes. We are preparing now for implementation of measures we think will be major steps in the right direction for iStock’s next phase of growth and we’d like to share the highlights with you now.

What are we doing?:

 A restructuring and simplification of the collections on iStockphoto

When is this all going to happen?:

 The changes will be happening in phases over the next few weeks. It’ll be a combination of site changes, file migrations, and submission & inspection workflow changes. We'll inform you on the exact timing as we get closer to the launch date.

What file types will be impacted?:

 Considering Photos has the most complexity, many of these changes impact that file type more than others, but we plan to apply as many of these ideas across as many file types as possible.


 To simplify the collections and have the flexibility to present customers with the right content at the right price point. Here are a few specifics:

It’s not always easy for customers to see why one file is priced differently from another.

We want to make this connection clearer and easier to understand.

The fact that exclusive content is generally priced higher than non-exclusive is not always justified by the image, and having 2 price levels (exclusive and non-exclusive) at each price tier can make pricing overly complicated for customers.

We want to simplify.

Excluding exclusive artists from the Main collection puts exclusive artists at a disadvantage by preventing them from selling relevant images to our more price-conscious customers.

We want Exclusive contributors to have access to customers at every price point.

We also have some high quality non-exclusive content that can stand-up to a higher price-point than the current structure permits undermining the overall price to quality relationship for all contributors.

We need to have the flexibility to make all of our content available to customers at the optimum price-point for each file.

How will it work? In short, we will:
reduce 7 collections down to 4 collections for photos.
mix exclusive and non-exclusive files within some collections based on quality.
move some files up and some down between collections based on quality and demonstrated performance history. If, after a reasonable amount of time a file is not selling at a given price, we’ll lower the price and see if that increases downloads. If a file is selling like crazy a given price, we’ll carefully move it up in price and see if it can perform even better there. All file moves will be made with care - no one wants to price a file out of the sweet spot – finding the sweet spot where a file performs best will always be the goal.

Moving content:

 Over a period of 1-2 weeks images will shift from the old collection structure to the new. Some files will stay where they are, some will move up or down – only files that were submitted before September 2012 will be evaluated for movement, newer files with less history will stay in their current collection or new equivalent collection. Files eligible for movement will be evaluated on their performance history. There will also be a visual assessment by the inspection team – while it isn’t realistic to visually review every file before moving them, we’re looking at as many as we can, especially in situations where the creative/visual/content elements of a file may outweigh the performance history when establishing the ideal price (images moving into or out of the Vetta collections for example).

Will content be inspected differently?:

 Yes. To align with the new simplified collection structure we’ll be making several adjustments in the submission and inspection processes. Some changes will go live immediately after the content is in place in the new structure and others will come a bit later. We’ll provide additional details about timing and any interim workflows as we get closer to launch.

Here are the key changes:

Removal of E+ and P+ placement functionality - a different approach to placing files into higher price tier collections will be introduced (more on this below)
Removal of Vetta/TAC opt in – the ASA (Exclusive) permits mirroring and movement of content to the Vetta collections on other sites without the opt-in feature, and the Agency collection is being eliminated. All Exclusive photo, video and illustration content will automatically be eligible for the new VETTA collection, and exclusives will continue to be able to nominate as well.
All new non-exclusive files will be placed directly into the MAIN collection. Members of the inspection team will be reviewing new non-exclusive content on a regular basis and moving it to higher price tiers as appropriate (SIGNATURE or SIGNATURE+).
The majority of new incoming exclusive content will go directly into the SIGNATURE collection, with the following exceptions:
The exclusive contributor has nominated the file for VETTA, in which case the file would be reviewed for placement in this collection – exactly as in the current process with the exception of limits. All limits will be removed for Exclusive contributor nominations to VETTA
Members of the inspection team who review VETTA nominations will also be on the lookout for other exclusive content in SIGNATURE that would be appropriate for SIGNATURE+ or VETTA.
Members of the inspection team will also be on the lookout for new exclusive content that would be better placed in the MAIN collection.

Going forward:

 Once this transition is complete and the revised processes are in place there will be periodic assessments of file performance. Using this information, along with visual reviews when needed, files will continue to move up or down in price until they find their sweet spot where they get the optimal combination of price and downloads.

 We’re sure you will have additional questions but in the meantime we’ve put together a few that we’ve anticipated to start along with answers. We will build on this FAQ as needed based on the feedback and inquiries you provide.

 The logistics of these changes may take a bit of time to absorb, but the premise of the collection restructure is logical and quite simple; better aligning image quality and price improves the customer experience and continues to make iStockphoto the place that recognizes premium and differentiated content and prices it accordingly.

Sve je ovo ok, ali ima li neko ideju sta da fotografisem da bih prosao prijemni na IS-u? 2 puta sam pao...

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #12 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 11:19:27 pre podne »
Meni ovo izgleda ok. Ostaje da vidimo kako će sve to funkcionisati u praksi. Pogotovo to njihovo menjanje cena po nekom njihovom algoritmu.
Do sada, u praksi mi se pokazalo da cena igra ulogu iako mnogi ne misle tako. Fajlovi koji su mi se prodavali odlično u Standard kolekciji, čim sam ih prebacio u Ex+ prodaja se smanjila za 50-70%. Čim sam ih vratio iz Ex+ u Standard, ponovo su počeli dobro da se prodaju.

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #13 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 12:11:58 posle podne »
Nece IS da ide sa trona jos jako dugo, u to sam siguran, toliko sam siguran da bih isao odmah na EX da mogu.
Al ja nesreca :D ni prijemni za fotke ne mogu da prodjem :)

Van mreže Hornet

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« Odgovor #14 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 12:33:46 posle podne »
Ne brini Igi, uputićemo jedan oštar demarš! :)

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #15 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 12:39:20 posle podne »
:D ma joj nece me kod njih i nece :)

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #16 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 01:10:44 posle podne »
Ma šta kukaš bre. Spremi to nešto dobro i šalji. Znaš kako kažu... treća-sreća! :)

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #17 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 01:17:49 posle podne »
Sta da spremim, neka ideja :)
A i sta ce se dogodit ako me odbiju treci, cetvrti put?

Van mreže DuxX

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #18 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 01:32:29 posle podne »
Koliko ja znam ništa. Šalješ dalje. Ne siluju, ne vade organe, oči čarne i sl. :)

Uvek dobra proverena kombinacija za stock su ljudi. Proleće je tu. Lepo vreme. Vidim i lepe prirode ti ne manjka. Opleti neke drugare, dečicu šta li već u nekom lepom zelenilu ali nemoj sve tri iste ili slične.

Van mreže IgorM88

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Odg: iStockphoto... pitanja i odgovori.
« Odgovor #19 poslato: Maj 14, 2013, 01:58:50 posle podne »
Nesto cu smislit, pa prvi put kad su me odbili sam cekao 3 dana za sl put, a sad 14 dana :D pa zato pitam, a neko mi rece prije na Lumini da posle treceg puta ili nesto tako godinu cekas :)