Mogu samo da prenesem da sam poslednjih meseci na dosta mesta na netu nasao preporuku za Canon 1000d za astrografiju.
Posebno hvale onu foru da se pomocu programa gleda LiveView direktno na PC monitoru, i njegove velike piksele na senzoru zbog kojih, koliko razumeh, pretpostavljaju da je "tako dobra astro slika za jeftin aparat".
Inace nisam upoznat sa detaljima.
Recimo..."The best entry-level DSLR for astrophotography is the Canon 1000D (Digital Rebel XS).
It hits a very sweet spot in terms of its price-performance ratio."
Evo ga i zakljucak:
"Based on this analysis, if price is your primary consideration, the Canon 1000D
(Digital Rebel XS) is the camera you want. If you can afford the Canon 5D Mark II, it is an excellent camera with great usability features. If you are emotionally or financially locked into a Nikon system, then pick up a Nikon D5000, or, if money is no object, a Nikon D3S or Nikon D300S."
Cisto za info, opsti nedostaci 1000D su sto: nema nikakav movie mod, sporo slika u continious modu i ima malo manji ekran za danasnje standarde. Negde se moralo pristedeti
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