Autor Tema: [vesti] Kodak prodaje proizvodnju senzora  (Pročitano 4181 puta)

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[vesti] Kodak prodaje proizvodnju senzora
« poslato: Novembar 10, 2011, 01:59:45 posle podne »
Posle mnogo godina previranja, balansiranja na ivici bankrota i raznih drugih finansijskih problema, Kodak je odlučio da se oslobodi segmenta proizvodnje i razvoja senzora. Za neupućene, Kodak je jedan od važnijih proizvođača MF senzora za digitalna leđa, a osim toga, Leica S2 i M9 koriste upravo Kodakove CCD senzore.

Kodak Sells Image Sensor Business to Platinum Equity

ROCHESTER, N.Y., November 07 - Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:EK) announced today that it has completed the sale of its Image Sensor Solutions (ISS) business to Platinum Equity in a move that will sharpen Kodak’s operational focus and strengthen its financial position.

While the financial details were not disclosed, Kodak will have continuing access to the image sensor technology involved in this transaction for use in its own products. Kodak has previously communicated that it would sell assets that are not central to its transformation to a profitable, sustainable digital company. This sale is aligned with that strategy to generate cash to complete the transformation.

Included in the sale is a 263,000 square foot facility in Eastman Business Park in Rochester, N.Y., that houses manufacturing and research facilities.

The ISS business develops, manufactures, and markets the world’s highest performance solid state image sensor devices. Over the past 30 years, Kodak’s image sensors have delivered unrivaled image quality and innovative features for use in a broad range of demanding imaging applications. From precision manufacturing inspection to digital radiography, from earth imaging satellites to traffic monitoring, from the world’s highest performing studio photography cameras to DNA sequencing systems, customers around the world rely on high-performance products from ISS in the most mission-critical applications.

Platinum Equity is a global M&A&O® firm specializing in the merger, acquisition and operation of companies that provide services and solutions to customers in a broad range of business markets.

“Image Sensor Solutions is a business that is well-positioned in the high-performance imaging markets in which it participates,” said Pradeep Jotwani, President, Consumer Digital Imaging Group, and Senior Vice President, Eastman Kodak Company. “This sale maximizes shareholder value by obtaining a full and fair valuation for this business, and allows Kodak to increase its financial flexibility.”

Jotwani noted that Platinum Equity brings significant financial and operational resources to the ISS business and a comprehensive plan to ensure its continued success.

“Platinum Equity is an ideal acquirer of Kodak’s ISS business because they are committed to the success of the business for the benefit of customers and employees,” Jotwani said. “I’m very pleased that we have such a favorable outcome for all of our constituents.”

Platinum Equity focuses on acquiring businesses that can benefit from the firm’s extensive in-house capability and expertise in transition, integration and operations.

“This is a great opportunity to acquire a business with an impressive record for delivering innovative solutions to customers around the world,” said Brian Wall, the partner at Platinum Equity who led the team pursuing the acquisition. “The ISS business has a strong management team with the right vision for leading the company into the future. We share their commitment to product development and customer service and are committed to helping the business realize its full potential.”

Wall said Platinum Equity’s experience managing complex transitions from corporate parent companies will benefit employees, customers and other partners.

“Our operations group will work hand-in-hand with the management team to ensure a seamless transition while allowing the organization to stay focused on delivering world class imaging products and solutions,” said Wall. “We are proud to have forged a unique divestiture solution in partnership with Kodak that serves the best interests of everyone involved.”

Izvor: LINK

Dakle, krenulo je ozbiljno nizbrdo. Jedna za drugom, jake kompanije nižu loše vesti. Za mene je ovaj Kodakov potez očekivan, jer se oni već dugo ne snalaze u foto biznisu. Ponašali su se indiferentno prema digitalnoj revoluciji, predviđali da je to samo prolazna moda i sada ih je to stiglo.

« Poslednja izmena: Novembar 24, 2011, 02:02:21 posle podne od strane StORM48 »

Van mreže Zoran Rodic

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Odg: [vesti] Kodak prodaje proizvodnju senzora
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Novembar 10, 2011, 05:45:35 posle podne »
Prodali su jednog igraca, u nadi da ce sa ostatkom tima moci odigrati utakmicu do kraja ... mozda cak u nekom drugom sportu.

Menadzment  drugacije razmislja od onih kojima je namenjen njihov proizvod, a iskorak u poimanju ekonomskih zakonitosti doveo je i ovu granu industriju u situaciju kakva jeste, pa je nerealno bilo ocekivati da ce figure biti u istom rasporedu i sada, i pre 20 godina.
Svedoci smo velikih promena, a neka ozbiljna analiza i zakljucak, bice smislena tek za 10 godina.
''Ne moze da svane pre zore''

Van mreže StORM48

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Odg: [vesti] Kodak prodaje proizvodnju senzora
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Januar 05, 2012, 02:07:56 posle podne »
Izgleda da od Koraka neće ostati ni dugmići...

Kodak preparing for bankruptcy, stock could be delisted from NYSE

The Wall Street Journal reported that Kodak "is preparing to seek bankruptcy protection in the coming weeks". Kodak stock is currently bellow $1 and could be delisted from the NYSE:

ROCHESTER, N.Y., January 03 -- Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:EK) today announced that the Company has received a continued listing standards notice from the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) because the average closing price of the Company’s common stock was less than $1.00 per share over a period of 30 consecutive trading days.

The Company’s common stock continues to trade on the NYSE.  Under NYSE rules, the Company has six months following receipt of the notification to regain compliance with the minimum share price requirement.  The Company can regain compliance at any time during the six-month cure period if the Company’s common stock has a closing share price of at least $1.00 on the last trading day of any calendar month during the period and also has an average closing share price of at least $1.00 over the 30 trading-day period ending on the last trading day of that month or on the last day of the cure period.

The Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission reporting requirements and debt obligations are not affected by the receipt of the NYSE notification.


Ja lično nisam iznenađen. Zapravo, iznenađen sam kako su i do sada uspeli da se dovuku bez potpunog bankrota, jer su i ranije imali velikih teškoća u poslovanju. Nestankom Kodaka nestaje jedan od glavnih proizvođača senzora srednjeg formata, a jedan od najjačih konkurenata, Dalsa, takođe ide iz dubioze u dubiozu, već godinama. Ili će njihov biznis preuzeti neko drugi, ili će se pojaviti novi igrači. Uglavnom, perspektiva razvoja je upitna i liči mi da bi to tržište moglo prosto da nestane narednih godina.

« Poslednja izmena: Januar 05, 2012, 02:10:48 posle podne od strane StORM48 »

Van mreže Hornet

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Odg: [vesti] Kodak prodaje proizvodnju senzora
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Januar 21, 2012, 01:56:15 pre podne »