Da li ste culi da mozete na obicnom npr.A610 dobiti ovo:
- Shooting in RAW
- Live histogram (RGB, blended, luminance and for each RGB channel)
- Zebra mode (blinking highlights and shadows)
- DOF-calculator
- Battery indicator
- Scripts execution (exposure/focus/... bracketing, intervalometer and more)
- File browser
- Text reader
- Calendar
- Some fun tools and games
treba uraditi sledece:
Main Page
http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK Manual
http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK/HDK_firmware_usage FAQ
http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK/FAQ It loads into temporary RAM memory and doesn't overwrite the original Firmware. It is completely safe. If something goes wrong simply turn the camera off and the hack is removed.
Here are instructions: For more questions see the FAQ mentioned previously in this thread.
1) Get the file PS.fir for A710 from
http://grandag.nm.ru/hdk/ (Latest as of May 11, 2007: test1-pre12-a710-100a-55.zip)
2) Take camera, and format your sdcard completely. Use low level format.
3) Take out your sdcard, and put it into your computer’s card reader. Be sure the card is not write protected or "locked"
4) Navigate to the card via ‘my computer’, and put the PS_A710.FIR file into the root of your sdcard. (Mac users: It's different, but I'm sure you can figure it out)
5) Put the card in your camera and turn the camera on in ‘playback’, or ‘view’ mode.
6) Go back up to the main menu (first tab), and scroll down to the bottom. There should be a "firm update" option. Select it using the func/set button. READ THE NEXT STEP FIRST THEN click OK to apply the firmware hack.
7) After you click OK, the camera will reboot. Pay attention to your printer button. It should blink blue once. This is the camera telling you that the raw shooting software was loaded. Flip the camera into shooting mode, and your lens should expand out. You should immediately notice you have a battery meter icon at the top and a pecentage battery icon on the right.
Press the Printer button once and then press the +/- (EV) button to toggle RAW mode on. Once you see the Raw icon on the top right press the Printer button again. You can begin shooting. NOTE: Take one demo shot. The first shot WILL NOT be shot RAW. After that all remaining photos will be RAW. You can tell if they are shooting in raw format by looking at the printer button. It will blink blue if you are shooting in raw format. Also, it will take more time for the file to be written to the card.
With each photo you take, one raw format shot will be created, and one jpg format shot will be created. The raw format photos will be up around 8MB, while the jpg format photos will be around 1.5MB.
There are other great things you can do with it, but please - see the FAQ. Someone has already taken the trouble to write it all out and explain it.
Have fun!
da li je neko probao i ako jeste kako se aparat ponasa? jako interesantno,moram priznati!