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Poruke - Zoran Rodic

Stranice: 1 ... 232 233 234 235 [236] 237 238 239 240 ... 250
Foto-Informator / Odg: Dajte neki dobar sajt sa fotografijama
« poslato: Septembar 06, 2010, 10:07:32 pre podne »
Ih bre, koliko davno ?   ::)

Ma, napisaćemo mi biografiju ako treba ... ima da sija ... dole Ljubin potpis, pečat ... i da vidiš ;)

Foto-Informator / Tradicionalna Beogradska FOTO BERZA u Staklenacu 19-09-2010. god
« poslato: Septembar 05, 2010, 02:28:49 posle podne »
Jesenja tradicionalna Beogradska FOTO-BERZA održaće se
19.9.2010. godine, na starom mestu u Staklencu na Trgu Republike,
u periodu od 10 – 16 časova

Objektivi / SpyderLensCal focus calibrator
« poslato: Septembar 05, 2010, 09:28:59 pre podne »
Za one koji imaju micro-adjustment opciju u svom dSLR-u, ovo bi mogla biti jako korisna stvar.
Cena $59

SpyderLensCal focus calibrator

Ja ću i dalje da koristim gedore, kao i do sada  ;D

Objektivi / E tako se pravi najava - Zeiss Distagon T* 1,4/35
« poslato: Septembar 05, 2010, 09:01:34 pre podne »
OBERKOCHEN/Germany, 01.09.2010.
A woman is sitting at the bar of a dimly-lit cafe. Lost in thoughts, she doesn’t notice the glass of wine the bartender places before her. From a distance, a photographer tries to capture her mood. He brings her face, which is leaning toward her phone, into focus. Everything around her becomes a blur, and the lights in the background coalesce into a wild “dance” of diffuse shapes.

This shot will only work with a fast lens with short focal length and harmonious bokeh. Carl Zeiss introduces a new lens for just such images: the Distagon T* 1,4/35.

Širi info o staklu na Zeiss Distagon T* 1,4/35 ... čisto da ne narušavam lepotu posta :)

Makro i close-up fotografija / Odg: Makro fotografije
« poslato: Septembar 05, 2010, 08:38:52 pre podne »
Odlične su obe ... potpuno tripozan momenat ...
Mene samo zanima kako je dama uopšte došla u položaj u kome jeste, ... ovo je yoga... šta li? :)

Foto-Informator / Odg: Dajte neki dobar sajt sa fotografijama
« poslato: Septembar 05, 2010, 08:32:47 pre podne »

Jupiiiii, DeVil napravio sajt .... :)
Ne hvališ se? :)

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Odg: Urbane
« poslato: Septembar 05, 2010, 08:13:57 pre podne »
Odličan je paning sa bajkerom :)

Objektivi / Odg: Oznake na objektivima i njihovo znacenje
« poslato: Septembar 03, 2010, 10:06:47 posle podne »
Definicija L staklića daleko prevazilazi sve što se do sada moglo pročitati na ovu temu i u ovom kontekstu.  ;D
Zaista, odavno ne pročitah ovako zanimljivo štivo.

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Odg: Stanišići u BW varijanti
« poslato: Septembar 01, 2010, 10:01:17 posle podne »
Da ovo nije ipak sa mora...mislim, grcka zastava  :P  :) ?

To je nova poslasticarnica, preko puta ... odmah do parkinga.
To je valjda izniklo ove ili krajem prosle godine.
I naravno, nosi ima Eλλάς , pa otuda i grcka zastava

A evo, te Nojeve barke ...

I jednog pomalo cudnog ugla

Eh, Zrenjanin ... tamo se uvek zapitam, nije li konobar zaboravio nesto da uracuna.

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Odg: Stanišići u BW varijanti
« poslato: Septembar 01, 2010, 05:42:34 posle podne »
 :D :D :D :D toliko brzo, da se čak imalo vremena za slikati okolo

Što se tiče komparacije, verujem da bi se u Beogradu za ovoliki voćni kup moglo kupiti podosta mesa.  :D

U Stanišićima, 5KM tj. 2,5 e tj 250 dinara

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Odg: Stanišići u BW varijanti
« poslato: Septembar 01, 2010, 02:16:20 posle podne »
Ne zameram,samo primećujem da je "jednokrevetna soba" i "dva đusa" plus ostalo...Ili je greška u kucanju ili si bio mLogo žedan  ::) :-X

Odmah u komitet da izrekneš samokritiku :), jer insuiniraš da sam latentni i prevejani švaler na baterije ;)
Šalu na stranu, rekoh na početku da je u pitanju jednodnevni izlet, bez noćenja ... a cene su tu čisto kao neka približna slika cena koje tamo važe.

Što se tiče, kičerice ... kažu da nije bitno gde si, nego sa kime si .... tako da ja nisam u tom celodnevnom dobrom raspoloženju nisam baš dobio taj osećaj.
Generalno, nije bila gužva, što se može videti po slikama .... bio je ponedeljak, tako da zaista je bilo prijatno.
Ma gde pogledaš, bila je hladovina, i mesta za sesti.

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Odg: Stanišići u BW varijanti
« poslato: Septembar 01, 2010, 01:21:44 posle podne »
Etno selo Stanišići je za mene najprijatnije iznenađenje, na koje sam imao prilike da nabasam u ovim jednodnevnim ‘’ekspedicijama’’.
Ono se nalazi nekih cca 15-ak kilometara od graničnog prelaza Sremska rača, ili još tačnije na rubu Bijeljine, Rebublika Srpska i osnovano je 2003. godine po ideji Borisa Stanišića, sa namerom da dočara način života, kulturu i običaje 19. i 20. veka.
Jednim delom, selom dominiraju brvnare, mlinovi, bunari ... (neke su čak u komadu prenete sa autentičnih lokacija, restaurirane i sada pretvorene u pravi muzejski eksponat), dok drugi deo sela ima taj srednjovekovni šmek, sa objektima izgrađenim od kamena.
Mostovi koji prelaze preko veštački napravljenih jezera, neodoljivo asociraju na grad Mostar, dok su nekada funkcionalni drveni čamci sada planski nasukani na obale, pa i takvi daju pečat celom selu.
Selom dominira nekoliko jezera, najmanje 2, a možda ih ima i više, ....  nisam uspeo da pohvatam šta je sve tačno povezano .
Sat koji vidite se nalazi na stanici Podlugovi, i vozić kruži oko povećeg jezera u kome plutaju crni i beli labudovi, pa je čak u sidrena i Nojeva barka, ne tako malih dimenzija.
Opšti je utisak da ni jedan detalj nije prepušten slučaju, i da je sve planski na svome mestu, tačno prema nacrtu, .... svaka biljka raste tamo gde treba, svaka staza je čista, a korpe za smeće se ne primećuju, sve do onog momenta kada ti zatreba ....

Hrana je sasvim korektna, prisutan je i hotel sa 5 zvezdica, sa sve romantičnim vikendom za dvoje :D ... što ga čini jako zgodnim za švaleraciju izvan domašaja radoznalih pogleda

U apratmanskom naselju, jednokrevetna soba + doručak (posle noćenja, jelte) izadje oko 30 evrića, a cene hrane su više nego prihvatljive,  ( Za 10 evra se dobije 19,5 konvertibilnih maraka)

Preko puta sela se nalazi poveći parking, za koji kažu da je vikendom prepun ... a odmah pored je OGROMNA poslastičarnica, gde  recimo, ogromni voćni kup sa 3 kugle sladoleda na vrhu, dva prava djusa, i jedan produženi espreso dodje 15 KM što u prevodu dodje 7,5 evrića.
Poslastičarnica je urađena u sličnom stilu, pa kroz nju teku potoci, prelazi se preko mostova ... a postoji i poveća bašta. Tu je i igralište za decu, sasvim dovoljno da ispuni njihove najbesnije tripove.

Ukratko, jedno bajkovito mesto ... sa potpunim odsustvom kiča, prijatno sa sesti na bilo kojem njenom delu. Sjajno za porodični odmor, dan, dva ili više ..... fenomenalno.

Malo sam ovo načukao nabrzaka, pa ako ima koja greškica, ne zamerite .. :)

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Odg: Stanišići u BW varijanti
« poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 05:14:42 posle podne »
Pa kolorit je manje više ovakav ... a to je već bešketov teren, pa sam pribegao ''umjetničarenju'' :)



9 - Moja omiljena, zbog ovog ''etno satelitskog tanjira'' na vrhu hotela ;D ;D

Ulična i urbana fotografija / Stanišići u BW varijanti
« poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 04:49:45 posle podne »






DSLR fotoaparati / Odg: Canon develops world's largest CMOS sensor
« poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 04:04:48 posle podne »
Popeti se Mauna Kea vulkan i slikati sa ovolikim senzorom može biti zanimljivo.  

Cujem da Pininfarina ima tapiju na dizajn prskalica i brisača za ovoliki senzor :D :D

Objektivi / Odg: Oznake na objektivima i njihovo znacenje
« poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 12:46:56 posle podne »
Koliko vidim, prevod ti sjajno ide ... tačnije, tonalitet u prevodu ... kao što je recimo definicija L staklića, tako da .... ne bih se ja ovde ništa mešao. :)

Korisna tema!!!

Objektivi / Odg: Oznake na objektivima i njihovo znacenje
« poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 03:35:19 posle podne »
Evo, valjda su sve ovce na broju :)

EF : Lens mount designation for Canon's current camera system. Stands for Electronic Focus.
EF-S : Lens mount designation for Canon's current APS-C digital SLRs (reduced sensor size), for example the 20D, 350D, and 300D models. The S stands for "short back focus," implying that the rear element of the lens is closer to the sensor than with regular EF lenses. EF-S lenses will not mount on Canon film SLRs or Digital SLRs that do not have an EF-S mount.
TS-E : Tilt-shift lens, for control of perspective and depth of field.
MP-E : Macro Photo Electronic. These lenses do not have autofocus, the "electronic" refers to the electronic aperture control. Specialised lenses designed for macro photography.
L Lenses : L refers to Canon's professional range of lenses. Many people take the L to stand for Luxury. Purchases of such lenses can lead to 'L Fever', a condition where all future lense purchases must be L class.
IS : IS refers to Image Stabilisation, Canon's anti-shake feature. Also known as VR (Vibration Reduction - Nikon), OS (Optical Stabilisation - Sigma).
USM : USM refers to the autofocus motor. Ultrasonic Motors (USM) are piezoelectric and offer very fast and silent autofocusing. There are two types: A standard cheaper micro-USM which just replaces the regular electromagnetic AFD motor, and a Ring USM (internal focus) which is much faster and also incorporates fulltime manual focus overide without leaving AF mode (or damaging the focus mechanism).
AFD : An older type of AF motor, AFD (Arc-Form drive) is generally slower and noisier than USM.
DO : Diffractive Optics - DO lenses are found with green rings (as opposed to the red ring around the L-series lenses) to set them apart. DO considerably cuts the size and weight of a lens down while maintaining quality. Still not as sharp as a true L lens but in many cases a viable alternative when size or portability are a concern. How DO works you can read at
A note about the maximum aperture The maximum aperture in a 135mm F/2 lens is (135/2) = 67mm. This means the hole that lets the light in opens up to 67mm. This explains why lenses with larger apertures are more expensive: they require more glass inside larger barrels.


AF-I Internal auto-focusAF-D/G with auto-focus motor built into the lens barrel itself
AF-S Silent-wave auto-focusAF-D/G with ultrasonic AF motor
ASP ASPherical lens elements A type of lenses that virtually eliminates the problem of coma and other types of lens aberration. The are particularly good at correcting distortion in wide-angle lenses as well as contributing to a lighter and smaller lens design
CRC Close Range CorrectionProvides superior image quality at close focusing distances and increases the focusing range
D (AF-D) Lens equipped with a chip which allows the body to assess the distance to the object being photographed and exposes for that object correctly
DC Defocus-image ControlA creative feature for photographers; control the degree of spherical aberration
DX Digital eXpandedLenses for DSLRs with a smaller sensor than 35mm
ED Extra-low DispersionPrevents chromatic aberration because it concentrates and directs the wavelength of the light more effectively onto the camera's sensor
G (AF-G) Same as AF-D, but without an aperture ring
IF Internal FocusTo ensure stability in focusing, this lens moves the inner lens group or groups without changing the lens' physical length
N Nano coatingNon-reflective coating for clearer images with increased detail by reducing reflection from inside the lens
RF Rear FocusThis lens is equipped with a system that moves the rear lens group for focusing SIC Super Integrated CoatingMultilayer coating of the optical elements in lenses
SWM Silent Wave MotorUltrasonic AF motor
VR Vibration ReductionA family of techniques used to reduce blurring associated with the motion of a camera. Specifically, it compensates for pan and tilt of a camera


EX : An abreviation for the "Excellence" range of lenses. These lenses are similar to Canon's L series, claimed to be superior in build and optical quality to regular lenses. Like the L series they have a distinctive exterior.
DG : A DG lens can be used with both 35mm SLR and digital SLR cameras. DG refers to additional optical coatings that are meant to minimize reflections of light off the sensor itself.
DC : A DC lens is designed so the image circle matches the smaller size of a digital SLR's image sensor compared to a 35mm frame. These are typically lighter than DG lenses but are not suitable for 35mm SLRs.
ASP: An aspherical lens, which is more compact than conventional lenses.
APO: APO or apochromatic lenses are made using a low dispersion glass to reduce chromatic aberration.
OS: Optical Stabiliser. More or less identical to Canon's IS and Nikon's VR.
HSM: "Hypersonic Motor," which in the same way as Canon's USM is used to power the autofocus mechanism and is generally quieter and faster than conventional electromagnetic motors.
RF: Rear focus lenses move the rear lens elements delivering faster, more quiet focusing.
IF: Inner focus lenses move the middle lens elements which does not change the lens' overall length when focusing. This results in better stability, which is useful for telephoto shooting.
DF: A dual focus lens. The focus ring on the lens pushes forward and backwards dis-engaging it so it does not rotate during autofocus.
Conv: These lenses are compatible with Sigma's teleconverters without and retain proper automatic exposure function.


AD Anomalous DispersionSpecial optical glass which delivers large partial dispersion ratios relative to a specific light wavelength zone
ASL Aspherical Lens elements A type of lenses that virtually eliminates the problem of coma and other types of lens aberration. They are particularly good at correcting distortion in wide-angle lenses as well as contributing to a lighter and smaller lens design
Di Digitally integrated design Optical system designed to meet the performance characteristics of DSLR cameras as well as film cameras
Di II Digitally integrated design Lenses made exclusively for DSLR cameras with APS-C sensors
HID High Index High Dispersion glass Minimises on-axis and lateral chromatic aberrations
IF Internal FocusTo ensure stability in focusing, this lens moves the inner lens group or groups without changing the lens' physical length
LD Low DispersionLow Dispersion elements which effectively compensate for chromatic aberration that is a problem at the telephoto end and lateral aberration at the wide angle end SP Super PerformanceThe first priority in producing these lenses have been superior specifications and outstanding performance free from cost restraints
USD UltraSonic Silent DriveUltrasonic AF motor
VC Vibration Compensation - A family of techniques used to reduce blurring associated with the motion of a camera. Specifically, it compensates for pan and tilt of a camera
XR eXtra RefractiveHi Refraction index glass elements resulting in minimum aberration. Allows smaller lens diameters while maintaining aperture values for overall compactness
ZL Zoom LockPrevents undesired barrel extension


ASA  : – spherical -  A  type of lenses that virtually eliminates the problem of coma and other types of lens aberration. The are particularly good at correcting distortion in wide-angle lenses as well as contributing to a lighter and smaller lens design
AT-X :  Advanced Technology eXtraLenses that are manufactured without compromises, using the most advanced design and fabrication technologies available
D :  Digitally optimized coatings
DX :  Only compatible with a cropped sensor (APS-C)
F&R :  Front and Rear asphericalAspherical molded glass element in the front and in the rear FC Focus ClutchOne-touch focus clutch allows the focus to be moved quickly from the AF position back into the MF position
FE :  Floating Element
HL  : DHigh Refraction, Low Dispersion
IF : Internal FocusTo ensure stability in focusing, this lens moves the inner lens group or groups without changing the lens' physical length
IRF : Internal Rear FocusThis lens is equipped with a system that moves the rear lens group for focusing
PRO : Lenses that have hardened Alumite (Armalite) finish to increase durability
SD : Super Low DispersionPrevents chromatic aberration because it concentrates and directs the wavelength of the light more effectively onto the camera's sensor


: Is the first generation K mount lens, Manual Focus, Manual Exposure. (Listed as Pentax smc)
M : Second generation of K mount lens, smaller then their K counterparts, manual focus manual exposure
A : First Auto exposure lenses from Pentax, manual focus.
F : First generation Auto Focus, Auto exposure lens
FA : Second generation Auto Focus, Auto Exposure lens, On board chip contains lens MTF data for Hyper Program compatible bodies
FA-J : Similar to FA lenses but don’t have an aperture ring.
DA : Digital Lenses, no aperture ring, some have reduced images circle some don’t, Digital coatings and optimised construction.
D-FA : Digital Lenses, aperture ring, covers a 35mm frame. Digital coatings and optimised construction.
* (star) lens : Pentax’s equivalent to Canon’s L, lenses of exception quality. (A, F, FA)
DA* : Pentax’s High spec Digital lenses, Exceptional quality, weather sealed, SDM (Super Sonic Direct drive Motors)
Limited : A prime lens of unparalleled image quality and construction, hand made to the highest quality.
AL : A lens that uses one or more aspherical elements to help improve wide angle performance and sharpness.
ED : A lens that uses extra-low dispersion glass elements reduces chromatic aberrations.
IF : A lens that uses an internal focusing mechanism.
SDM : Super Sonic in lens lens AF motors, silent and accurate Autofocus.
Fixed Rear Element Extension (FREE) : A lens whose last element group remains fixed during focusing.
SMC : Pentax’s lens coating technology.
Quick Shift : Allows manual adjustment of AF after AF lock has been achieved.
PZ : Power Zoom, and Electronic zoom function on KAF-2 mount FA lenses, only functional on Z series FSLRs and K10D digital body.

Objektivi / Odg: Oznake na objektivima i njihovo znacenje
« poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 02:10:04 posle podne »
Sferična sočiva imaju problem da svetlo iz centra i sa krajeva dovedu u istu ravan, što se manifestuje neoštrim fotografijama u centru a oštrim na krajevima ili suprotno.
Ta anomalija se zove ‘’sferična aberacija’’
Da bi se to izbeglo, stavljaju se  skuplja i komplikovanija za pravljenje, Asferična sočiva koja vrše  korekcije ugla pod kojim svetlost pada na senzor.
To slikovito, izgleda ovako

Što se tiče prvog dela pitanja, to je jedan obiman posao … skupiti pa prevesti … uf.  :-\
Ajde da za početak razlučimo da li bi ti koristilo recimo ovako nešto ... tog tipa, to je već manji problem, tu mogu da ti nabacam par korisnih linkova, sličnog tipa.

Priroda, pejzaži / Odg: Moj Macro ....CloseUp ...ex Kajsija (valjda :) )
« poslato: Avgust 28, 2010, 09:51:06 pre podne »
Eee, pa to se zove koristan savet ...  :) :) i odlično zapažanje.

Hvala  :)

ovo je samo sirova proba mogućnosti te alatke

DSLR fotoaparati / Odg: Canon EOS 60D
« poslato: Avgust 27, 2010, 10:49:55 posle podne »
Meni se ovo dopada jako.
Sample 5 [DragonFly] naročito, kao i Sample 3 [Night Scene]

Sasvim, sasvim dobar i upotrebljiv aparat.
Cena, i ostale diskusije na tu temu su nešto sasvim drugo.

Stranice: 1 ... 232 233 234 235 [236] 237 238 239 240 ... 250